CinemAddicts is finally of legal age as we discuss the new Jason Bateman directed drama/comedy that is The Family Fang, the Star Wars documentary Elstree 1976 that examines the lives of some of the original background talent and Greg gets a word or two in about Being Charlie. Atom Egoyan’s Remember is discussed in the last segment as well as a new doc available on Netflix called Team Foxcatcher.
Tags: amazon, anderson cowan, andersoncowan, Atom Egoyan, Being Charlie, Christopher plummer, Christopher Walken, cinema, cinema addicts, cinema dicks, cinemaadicts, cinemaddicts, Common, Dave Schultz, David Prowse, Elstree 1976, film, greg srisavasdi, gregsrisavasdi, Jason bateman, John du Pont, loveline, Mark Schultz, Martin Landau, movies, netflix, Nick Robinson, Nicole Kidman, our cinemaddicts, ourcinemaaddicts, ourcinemaddicts, Remember, Star Wars, Starwars, Team Foxcathcer, the cinemaddicts, The Family Fang, the film vault, thecinemaddicts