Like O Brother, Where Art Thou?, but not at all funny and with way more blood.
Violent maven John Hillcoat (The Propostion 2005 and The Road 2009) directs, Tom Hardy continues to seduce the camera and Shia LeBeouf manages not to ruin. But it’s Guy Pearce who impresses most with a sinister performance that helps him steal every scene and this says a lot as he shares a few with the aforementioned Hardy.
Should Watch 4 0f 5
Anderson 12/2012
Rating Legend
Must Watch = 5 0f 5 (See it in the theater if possible/buy it or pay for rental)
Should Watch = 4 of 5 (Worth sending away for)
Could Watch = 3 of 5 (If it’s on a pay channel or streaming for free)
Should Not Watch = 2 of 5 (Only if friends or family insist)
Do Not Watch = 1 of 5 (Don’t allow friends or family make this mistake)