Where’s the magic? This is not a good one. Sure, Channing as Mike is good, very likable, easy on the eyes (per usual, am I right ladies?) and he’s got stripper dance moves for days. Yes, we’ve all heard about his real life stripper past at this point. I can also appreciate McConaughey’s creepy perfomance as Dallas, the club owner. But beyond this, there is nothing here other than Olivia Munn’s naked chest, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Perhaps Soderbergh is a genius. Maybe, just maybe his genius can be found in an underlying message, an allegory, where beyond the stage of a male stripper (or female for that matter) there is nothing going on. Yes, this might be the case! Everything outside the club was muted in both color and dialogue, not to mention a heavily muted storyline. It was all going good for Mike, then it went a little bad and then it was good again.
Yes, this might be what Steven was trying to say, but I think a more likely theory is that he tends to spread himself too thin. He’s directed 4 features in the last 2 years with another already in post, The Bitter Pill, slated for early next year. Can’t wait for that one by the way. All this work, along with producing 3 other peoples movies must take its toll on the artist.
One gets the feeling that he wasn’t looking for compelling story lines to include with this one, or looking for clever dialogue to help the pacing here. You get the sense that maybe on this one he was just looking.
Oh yeah, not a single penis! Not that I was looking for one, but couldn’t help notice the utter phallic lack.
Do Not Watch 1 0f 5
Anderson 07/2012
Rating Legend
Must Watch = 5 0f 5
Should Watch = 4 of 5
Could Watch = 3 of 5
Should Not Watch = 2 of 5
Do Not Watch = 1 of 5
Loved your review of this, even a bad film can be culled for humor.
There was a penis!! I don’t remember his name, but it involved a penis pump…and there was a penis!
Damn Olivia Munn’s tits are so bad you couldn’t give that POS a 2?