#21 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: DVD Commentary Sneak Peek (Week 21 of 116)

Recorded the DVD commentary with Nicole Dambro and Milan “Miki” Janicin a few days ago and the first 13 minutes of that can be heard in this week’s update. I also talk about all the fights Miki and I got in to on the set of the movie before throwing to the commentary excerpt.
You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.
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Week 21: Duration 0:23:45

Posted by on October 31st, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 106: The Terminator: Dark Fate//Adopt a Highway

We only get to the first Friday of November on this one. Greg has seen the new Terminator and has some great things to say about the new Blumhouse Production, Adopt a Highway as well. The Current War: Director’s Cut and Jojo Rabbit are loosely reviewed by Anderson. 
Next week we’ll release a fat episode with lots of chatter about the rest of November, 2019.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

Thanks for being a part of this!

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Episode-106– Duration: 0:30:43

Posted by on October 31st, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts

#20 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: The Blu-ray/DVD is Coming Together (Week 20 of 116)

The power is out at my place, has been for hours, so this one is a quickie. Talk a little bit about putting the DVD commentary together and the apparent end of the world that is happening around me.

Thanks for following along.
You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.
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Week 20: Duration 08:02


Posted by on October 24th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 105: The Current War//Cyrano, My Love//Lucky Day

The most anticipated movies of the last 2 weeks of October are discussed and 3 of them are reviewed by Greg, including a new Roger Avary film and a French movie that Greg is head over heals for.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

Thanks for being a part of this!

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Episode-105– Duration: 1:06:41

Posted by on October 17th, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts

#19 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Things are Moving (Week 19 of 116)

The trailer is done and the TVOD release is coming sooner than expected. I talk about the how this is a great thing, an exciting thing and how I’m now behind on the DVD side of things as a result. I also ramble about a job I’m in the middle of and a meeting I’ll be having in November to finally talk about a movie not called Groupers.
Thanks for following along.
You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.
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Week 19: Duration 15:34

Posted by on October 17th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

#18 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: A Chat with a Critic, Spoilers Galore (Week 18 of 116)

***Warning, I’ve been advised to let you all know that there is some stuff given away in this episode, stuff that you may not want to know before seeing it. There are a number of “discoveries” that I wrote into the script and honestly it’s hard to talk about this movie withot exposing at least some of them, but a big one that happens in the first act of the movie is included in this interview.
This week I get my wish and have a nice conversation with a critic who was not too nice about the movie… to be fair he was fair in his review, unlike some others. Stuart D. Monroe is many things, an author and a critic are just a few. His work can be found on horrordna.com and getonmydamnlevel.com and on his social media pages which are:
By no means is this an invitation to harass Stuart, I liked him quite a bit and am very glad he agreed to do this with me. Sorry the audio is subpar, I screwed things up, much like the the writing of my movie, right Stu! I kid. Happy listening. 

Thanks for following along.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

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Posted by on October 11th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

#17 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Things Not to do at Your Premiere (Week 17 of 116)

I had my friend and co-host Greg Srisivasdi sit in with me this week and hold my hand as I recounted some of the unfortunate things that were said at the cast and crew screening on Saturday. I also talked some more about the reviews, currently at 17% on Rotten Tomatoes, and what kind of an impact that may or may not have on my future filmmaking plans.

Thanks for following along.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

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Posted by on October 4th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 104: The Dead Center//Wrinkles The Clown//Semper Fi

It’s the first 2 weeks of October and Greg and Anderson are here for you, letting you know what’s on the horizon. A few have already been screened and the verdicts are in. The next year  for our Patreon Bonus Episode is also chosen.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

Thanks for being a part of this!

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Episode-104– Duration: 51:50

Posted by on October 4th, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts