Like lecturing a class for a test that will come later, Ridley Scott’s latest is so heavy with dialogue and set up, your exhausted by the time anything actually happens. By the way, very little actually ever happens. The subject matter involves wealthy yet slimy white collar characters and drug trafficking. Soderbergh’s tedious and overrated Traffic touches on similar themes, but was much more enjoyable. In fact, actual traffic as in being stuck in it, has been more enjoyable than The Counselor. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 26th, 2013
File under Reviews

Instant Classic is a phrase that is bandied about quite a bit. Rarely does a film live up to such lofty praise, but this one should. All is Lost is a movie I could’ve easily hated and truth be told, I wanted to hate it. Robert Redford lost at sea for 100 minutes is not my idea of a good time. Problem is, it was just that. Still not sure how it worked or why it worked, but it worked. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 24th, 2013
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The satirical fantasy film that was famously shot guerrilla style at Disneyland and Disney World without the mouse’s approval. How could this movie even exist and how could you not let your curiosity tip the scales? First time writer/director Randy Moore (who looks distraught and concerned if you were to judge him by his IMDB shot) used a cast of unknowns and shot it in black and white on a Cannon 5D camera. If it were not for the world famous and ultra litigious backdrop in which this film was shot I don’t suspect any of us would have ever heard of it and I know I wouldn’t be writing about it and for that reason I kind of wish it were shot elsewhere. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 24th, 2013
File under Reviews
As I literally gripped my armrests and forced my twisted gaze not to look away, I cursed myself for looking forward to this one with such vigor. I asked myself: “This illustration of hate, mutilation, torture and despair is what you couldn’t wait to experience?” The answer is yes and while I did not enjoy the experience of 12 Years a Slave, it is with the knowledge that this is not a movie the English born director Steve McQueen (Hunger and Shame) made with joy in mind. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 18th, 2013
File under Reviews

I enjoy Disney’s Star Tours as much as anybody, but never yearned for a 90 minute version. Should start by stating that I’m one of those purist film snobs that can’t stand the idea of 3D. Those of you who listen to The Film Vault already know this. That being said, I didn’t see Alfonso Cuaron’s first film since Children of Men as it was made to be seen, in 3D. Not sure that space debris floating by my face would’ve made much of a difference though. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 4th, 2013
File under Reviews

Cockroaches squishing, large dogs a pooping, Dead Boys a bleeding and junkies a joking. If a song were to be written for Randall Miller’s movie CBGB about Hilly Kristal’s (Alan Rickman) famed New York Punk Club, these lyrics would be more than apt. Sound a bit cartoony? It should. Miller’s first film since his 2008 Bottle Shock (very sweet movie about wine also staring Rickman) the entire story is told through John Holmstrom’s PUNK Magazine, complete with the occasional freeze frame accompanied by comic book styled animation including panels, bubble blurbs and subtitled sound effects. Not always effective, nor did every joke hit its mark, it did keep this otherwise filthy and depressing gutter punk Bowery based club setting a light and fun one. (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 4th, 2013
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Ron Howard’s Rush is a movie your parents would call a “modern” movie with much enthusiasm. All style and so little heart. Looked and felt more like a two hour beer commercial than an actual film. Never felt a thing for either of the lead characters and don’t know anything more about the sport of Formula One after having watched it.
All that being said, it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve seen it and Daniel Brühl‘s haunting (more…)
Posted by Anderson on
October 3rd, 2013
File under Reviews