#12 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: The Press Begins (Week 12 of 116)

This week I get into the PR side of how things are going as this is the first week that a few media outlets are beginning to pick up some Groupers stuff, it’s getting pretty fun. Links to some of the early ones below. Also a link to the site where you can get tickets to the October 1st limited engagement screening. More than 10% of these 116 weeks to make this happen has already passed, need to step it up, but how?
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Shock Ya! 
Posted by on August 29th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

#12 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: The Press Begins (Week 12 of 116)

This week I get into the PR side of how things are going as this is the first week that a few media outlets are beginning to pick up some Groupers stuff, it’s getting pretty fun. Links to some of the early ones below. Also a link to the site where you can get tickets to the October 1st limited engagement screening. More than 10% of these 116 weeks to make this happen has already passed, need to step it up, but how?
Posted by on August 29th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 101: The Fanatic//Burn//Spider in the Web//Angel of Mine

The second half of August 2019 has us talking about a few fun ones including the new John Travolta movie directed by Fred Durst.

You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

Thanks for being a part of this!

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Episode-101– Duration: 1:01:44

Posted by on August 26th, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts

#11 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Learning to Let Go (Week 11 of 116)

This week I’ve got some more stuff about the ongoing poster saga, some news about the PR team that has been hired for the movie and my own struggles with letting go of things… it’s a real struggle.
New cities and dates for Groupers screenings coming soon. Thanks for listening!
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Posted by on August 22nd, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

#10 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: The Poster Gets Way Better (Week 10 of 116)

Things are getting a little heated between myself and the distributor as far as minor adjustments on the poster goes, or aren’t going which would be a more apt description of how things are currently shaking out. A look behind the curtain of a frustrated individual who has lost some control of their project, that individual being me of course.
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Posted by on August 15th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

#9 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: The Poster Saga Continues (Week 9 of 116)

This week’s entire update concerns only my quest to find a way to get to a place where there is a Groupers movie poster that I can live with.
Thanks for listening. 
Audio Player Posted by on August 8th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts, Uncategorized

#8 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Movie Posters, Greg and Insecurities (Week 8 of 116)

Greg Srisavasdi was kind enough to join me on this week’s update. Spoke with him about some of my concerns about giving up some of the control of the movie and we discuss the rough poster for Groupers that has been presented to me.
Thanks for listening. 
Audio Player Posted by on August 1st, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 100: The Peanut Butter Falcon//Love Antosha//Ode To Joy

It’s official, CinemAddicts has reached 100, but Greg and Anderson don’t let it go to their heads and instead simply deliver another episode giving you the heads up on the most interesting releases coming up in the first few weeks of August. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is also discussed at length.You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.

Thanks for being a part of this!

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Episode-100– Duration: 57:23

Posted by on August 1st, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts