I’m in the jungle and the boy is over one shoulder and a river with monkeys is over my other. There are things that need to be addressed though, out of town or not, Thanksgiving or not.

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Week 25: Duration 0:13:52
Posted by Anderson on
November 29th, 2019
File under Uncategorized
I’m out of the country, but still at it and what that “it” is has to do with trying to get the word out about a new movie that was just made available on Prime Video. It’s a short update with birds chirping loudly and golf carts revving in the background.
Thanks for listening!

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Week 24: Duration 0:10:07
Posted by Anderson on
November 22nd, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

It’s taken years to get here, but I’m so happy to finally be able to say that Groupers is now available for purchase. To get your Blu-Ray and or new shirt design, just click Here: $30 for the Blu-Ray, or Here: $28 For a Shirt. Direct Links Below.

Posted by Anderson on
November 20th, 2019
File under Uncategorized
This week I recount a twitter thread from a successful filmmaker. Christopher McQuarrie posted 25 tweets on October 23rd of this year, including many words of wisdom and points to think about, no matter what creative field you’re trying to make a living in. His feed and this thread have since been removed from twitter for reasons unknown to me, so I wanted to share it with you directly. I’d like to thank Superfan Giovanni for bringing this to me not once, but twice.
I also give a brief update on the latest with the Groupers release.
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Week 23: Duration 0:33:20
Posted by Anderson on
November 14th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts
Greg and Anderson get to the rest of the November releases that have them interested, but not before talking about some of the movies they’ve seen since the last episode that include The Irishman, Terminator: Dark Fate, Dolemite is My Name, Danger Close and Primal. Their picks for the their 1979 films are also unveiled.
You too can become a Patreon Member and gain access to the monthly bonus episodes as well as all of Greg’s exclusives, including interviews, commentary and the occasional Lens video check in. He’ll also watch a movie of your choosing.
Thanks for being a part of this!
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Episode-107– Duration: 01:24:21
Posted by Anderson on
November 7th, 2019
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts
I talk a lot about aggregators, what they are and what they do and how I avoided the biggest aggregator meltdown the industry has ever seen. Amazon’s questionable release process is also talked about with some news there. What I didn’t mention is this, the president of my Distribution Company was at the forefront of the aggregator meltdown and he did a very candid interview with Alex Ferrari on Indie Film Hustle. If you’d like to know more you can hear that episode here.
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Week 22: Duration 0:23:45
Posted by Anderson on
November 7th, 2019
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts