#60 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Budgeting Time (Week 60 of 116)

Short and sweet this week. The boy is in the pool and the wife is right behind me, listening/judging. If you have any good suggestions for budgeting software/apps or sites please email at me anderson@andersoncowan.com.

Thanks for listening and keeping me on top of these necessary tasks. 

Links to the promised CCP shorts are below. 

Have a Chat with Andy Here





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Please Give Groupers a Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Here

Please Rate It on IMDB Here

The Blu-ray, US

The Blu-ray, International Groupers is now available on these platforms: 

On AmazonOn Google Play On iTunesOn YoutubeOn Tubi


Audio Player

Week 60: Duration 0:07:07

Posted by on July 28th, 2020
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Flick City Episode 21: Director Romola Garai On Crafting The Multi-Layered Horror Thriller ‘Amulet’

Here’s my interview with Romola Garai, the writer/director of the excellent new horror/thriller “Amulet.” Feature hits theaters and On Demand Friday, July 24. During the discussion, she talked about her writing approach to the story and when she realized that being a filmmaker was in her cards. Lastly, if you want to become part of our CinemAddicts Facebook Group, click here.

Support CinemAddicts on Patreon
Check out my Entertainment website Deepest Dream
Audio Player

Flick City 21– Duration: 16:22

Posted by on July 23rd, 2020
File under CinemAddicts, Flick City, Movies, podcasts

#59 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Priorities Are Set (Week 59 of 116)

Had a very insightful consult with Alex Ferrari,  indie film guru and host of Indie Film Hustle, since the last time I spoke to you. While what I heard wasn’t all good news, my direction moving forward is very clear now. 

Thanks for listening and keeping me on track during all of this. Links to the promised CCP shorts are below. 

Have a Chat with Andy Here





Subscribe to my Youtube Channel Here


Please Give Groupers a Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Here

Please Rate It on IMDB Here

The Blu-ray, US

The Blu-ray, International Groupers is now available on these platforms: 

On AmazonOn Google Play On iTunesOn YoutubeOn Tubi


Audio Player

Week 59: Duration 0:25:06

Posted by on July 21st, 2020
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Episode 121: The Painted Bird//The Rental//Unhinged//Most Wanted

The second half of July has 3 Fridays which means 3 weeks of new releases. Greg and Anderson weed through the glut of them to highlight the cream of the crop.  

As promised, the THE COLD COCKLE SHORTS are linked below. 




Subscribe To Anderson’s Youtube Channel Here

Have a Chat with Andy Here





Please Give Groupers a Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score Here

Please Rate It on IMDB Here The Blu-ray, USThe Blu-ray, International Groupers is now available on these platforms. 

On Amazon

On Google Play 

On iTunes

On Youtube

On Tubi 

On Vudu


Audio Player

Episode-121– Duration: 01:05:55

Posted by on July 17th, 2020
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts

#58 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Questions Answered (Week 58 of 116)

We’ve made it to the halfway point and to mark the occasion I answer a number of your questions after talking to myself for a few minutes about my performance to this point. 
Thanks to everybody who submitted a question and thanks for listening!

Become a CinemAddicts Patreon Member for more CinemAddicts!

Have a Chat with Andy Here

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel Here


Groupers is now available on these platforms: 
On Vudu


Audio Player

Week 58: Duration 0:49:47

Posted by on July 13th, 2020
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Flick City Episode 20: ‘The Sunlit Night’ Writer Rebecca Dinerstein Knight And ‘Flannery’ Filmmakers Elizabeth Coffman and Mark Bosco

Episode 20 features my interview with “The Sunlit Night” novelist and screenwriter Rebecca Dinerstein Knight and “Flannery” filmmakers Elizabeth Coffman and Mark Bosco. “The Sunlit Night” hits VOD on July 17, and “Flannery” lands at virtual theaters on the same day.

Subscribe to my Deepest Dream YouTube Channel for interviews.
For more movie reviews with Anderson Cowan and I, subscribe to our CinemAddicts YouTube Channel.
To become eligible for our weekly Blu-ray and DVD giveaways, become a CinemAddicts Facebook Group member.

Support CinemAddicts on Patreon
Check out my Entertainment website Deepest Dream
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Flick City 20– Duration: 30:48

Posted by on July 13th, 2020
File under CinemAddicts, Flick City, Movies, podcasts

#57 I’ve Got a Movie to Make: Groupers is in the Past Man (Week 57 of 116)

So Groupers is now on Amazon Prime Video which means anyone with a prime membership can watch it which also means it’s kind of come to it’s final resting place. That’s not to say that it’s dead by any means. Not much more I can do with it at the moment and now it’s time to look forward with everything I’ve got. 

Thanks for listening!

Have a Chat with Andy Here


Groupers is now available on these platforms: 
On Vudu


Audio Player

Week 57: Duration 0:13:04

Posted by on July 7th, 2020
File under I've Got a Movie To Make, podcasts

Flick City Episode 19: John Lewis: Good Trouble Producer Erika Alexander / Force of Nature Actors David Zayas and Stephanie Cayo


This week for Flick City I have interviews with Force of Nature actors David Zayas and Stephanie Cayo. I also interview John Lewis: Good Trouble Producer Erika Alexander. Full interviews of all three are up for our Patreon members. Thank you for the support and please rate and review our podcast!!

Support CinemAddicts on Patreon
Check out my Entertainment website Deepest Dream
Audio Player

Flick City 19– Duration: 29:30

Posted by on July 5th, 2020
File under CinemAddicts, Flick City, Movies, podcasts

Episode 120: The Outpost//The Hater//John Lewis: Good Trouble

So we’re back to 2 a month despite not hitting out Patreon goal. Want to make sure to keep you up to date with things being so all over the place as far as release dates go. 

As mentioned in the show, Anderson has set some benchmarks for his youtube channel. Subscribe Here

 500 Subscribers = Rules of Reduction

750 Subscribers = Everybody Dies

1,000 Subscribers = The Cult of Carano 

Groupers is now available on these platforms. 
On Vudu
Posted by on July 3rd, 2020
File under CinemAddicts, podcasts