It worked! Yelling at myself last week got me to sit down and write and damn it feels great to be working on something not called Groupers! What I forgot to mention on this week’s feed is a book called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. A number of you suggested it since last week and it occurred to me that I may not have brought it up before, but will do so next week for sure. Thanks for the support and for listening, stay safe and sane!
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Week 46: Duration 0:14:09
Tags: anderson cowan, andersoncowan, cinema, cinema addicts, cinema dicks, cinemaaddicts, cinemaadicts, cinemaddicts, film, film production, gregsrisavasdi ourcinemaddicts, Groupers, I've got a movie to make, loveline, movies, our cinemaddicts, the cinemaddicts, thecinemaddicts